
A New Way to Unlock Consumer Insights in Snowflake — Without Ever Leaving the Platform • NowVertical Group

Written by Admin | Dec 1, 2021 3:04:35 PM

By Jackie Davies, Marketing Manager for NOW Affinio

This year’s Snowflake Summit was themed around “The World of Data Collaboration”, aimed at bringing people together to develop new data products and apps to drive businesses forward. 

During Tuesday’s Keynote, it was announced that NOW Affinio will be one of the first launch partners to debut our native apps in the Snowflake Marketplace.

Our graph analytics and affinity-based apps are now available to all Snowflake users and can be used on their own data – first- and third-party – sitting inside their Snowflake account. Sales, Product, and Marketing teams can now instantly surface actionable consumer insights that can be used to shift customer behavior and drive revenue. 

Traditionally, to extract insights from data inside the Cloud, users would be limited to querying using SQL. This process can take weeks or months and is typically requires a data scientist. Recognizing this bottleneck, NOW Affinio created five automated marketing workflow apps that can be used by anyone, with or without a technical background, to instantly surface insights on their consumers. These apps transform data for optimized pattern detection and were built to empower the entire organization with actionable, data-driven intelligence. 

All done without copying, moving, extracting or exposing data. We like to think of it as SQL on steroids.

Game-Changing Consumer Insights

In this example, a Brand Strategist working for a fast fashion brand wanted to better understand where their strengths lay within their sweet spot ‘Under 30’ customer base. NOW Affinio’s Consumer Profiling App automatically carves out this segment of their customers based on your own set of parameters. Once they had profiled the group for macro persona insights, they opted to further divide them into sub-communities using NOW Affinio’s Audience Clustering App. This resulting behavior-based clustering surfaced four key buyer patterns.

What they discovered was that although the bulk of their ‘Under 30’ customers comprised general wardrobe and ‘top’ buyers, there were two very niche clusters of interest that surfaced via the “Teeny Bikini” and “Lacy Red Lingerie Ladies”. 

Swimwear and intimates had not previously been represented in their core advertising efforts, so this appeared to be a whitespace opportunity for further sales growth. 

Here are some of the affinity-based insight details that they learned about their “Teeny Bikini” cluster that would inform the persona for a new campaign:

Before using NOW Affinio, the brand had never considering trying to go head-to-head with dedicated swimwear and intimates retailers. But with this new insight, they decided to double-down on campaigns for these product lines to try to increase their foothold.

Leveraging the Segment Overlap App, they would be able to take these smaller niche clusters and collaborate with prospective data partners and publishers in the Snowflake Marketplace (also using the NOW Affinio apps) to assess any audience overlap synergies. This then opens the door to the retailer brand leveraging the Look-alikes App to work with such partners to securely create new probabilistic acquisition targets for scalable campaigns. 

Even in the absence of pursuing external collaboration opportunities, the retailer is now all geared up to run the Propensity App against their "Teeny Bikini" and "Lacy Red Lingerie Ladies" buyer patterns to predict which other customers in its existing base may be inclined to purchase these products too, and then create a targeted upsell campaign for them.

These insights are just the tip of the iceberg on painting a picture of what consumers looks like and gravitate towards. If further combined with other data sources like web browsing or campaign performance, just imagine what you could learn, and how you could start to personalize your marketing efforts for maximizing ROI. 

Our apps address several marketing use cases for organizations already leveraging Snowflake’s functionality within their technical stack. By accessing the NOW Affinio native applications, marketers will be able to conduct personalization at scale, market basket analysis and next-best recommendations, audience segmentation, propensity scoring, audience match-ups, and behave-alikes creation.

Want to learn more? Check out these 5 privacy-safe applications for consumer analytics and data collaboration, now available inside the Snowflake Marketplace.

Customer Profiling

  • Profile your most valuable customers, identifying the attributes that make that segment unique to the rest of the customer base.
  • Generate rich, data-driven personas for increasing win rates in ad sales pitches. Conduct root-cause analysis for quickly identifying over-indexing product events related to increased churn. 
  • Unlock customer analytics and insights across all data in the warehouse. 
  • Automatically discover over-indexing affinities and behaviors and develop data-driven personas for personalization and targeting. 

Audience Clustering

  • Know which types of personas to focus on, and help guide your strategy to better engage customers, or uncover a new segment of customers you didn’t realize existed. 
  • Clustering allows you to bust the myths or biases you might otherwise have about your customers using data-driven “unsupervised” patterns. 
  • Cluster your customers or prospects in minutes based on any or all desired attributes available in your owned data - whether it’s behaviors, interests, profiles, transactions, or other.

Propensity Modeling

  • This app prepares your data to make scoring predictions around the likelihood that customers will exhibit some target behavior observed by others. 
  • Identify who among your audience is most likely to actually click an ad, make a purchase, accept an offer, sign up for a service, or stay loyal. 
  • Even use it to predict unwanted behaviors like churn so you can minimize impact. 

Segment Overlap

  • Identify ID overlaps between your customer data and multiple other strategic publishers and data partners simultaneously in one view (without ANY party exposing PII). 
  • Brand marketers can use this app to assess desired media channels and syndicated segments of publishers, prioritizing those with the highest synergy among their existing or target customer base. 
  • Publishers can assess overlap between an advertiser’s first party data and their own viewers/readers/listeners for ad sales pitches and activation placement without needing to be exposed to the advertiser’s raw PII. 
  • Data providers can use this service to efficiently estimate match rates ahead of custom onboarding deals or for recommending their syndicated segments in a more timely and secure manner.


  • Leverage this app to find and acquire new customers based on first-party audience “seeds” while safely keeping the definition of this originating segment “blind” to the publishers. 
  • Publishers and Data Providers can use this app to enable on-demand and automated ‘custom’ audiences as a premium offering. 

Sign up to try our apps inside the Snowflake Marketplace: